IEEE Spectrum: Agility Robotics Introduces Cassie, a Dynamic and Talented Robot Delivery Ostrich
Mirror: Scientists unveil crouching 'ostrich' robot that could soon be delivering your mail
Wired: Want a robot to walk like you? Don't expect it to look human.
IEEE Spectrum: DURUS: SRI's Ultra-Efficient Walking Humanoid Robot
Mirror: Now they're walking like humans! Robot designed to mirror our stride while wearing Adidas trainers
Washington Post: This robot takes power walking to a new level
Telegraph: Yamaha's motorbike-riding robot wants to be world champion
Wired: Yamaha's motorbike robot wants to beat Valentino Rossi
CBS News: Yamaha's Motobot debuts at Tokyo Motor Show
IEEE Spectrum: Video Friday: Motorcycle Robot, Paper Plane Drone, and R2-D2 Fridge
IEEE Spectrum: Dishcraft Robotics Takes Over Dishwashing From Humans
CNBC: New robotic dishwasher for restaurants is taking the dirty work out of the kitchen
Techcrunch: Dishcraft launches with a massive robotics-powered dishwashing system
Daily Mail: Robotic dishwasher capable of washing hundreds of dirty plates could replace human employees working gruelling shifts in restaurant kitchens
Wearable Technologies: Seismic Powered Clothing: Fashionable Clothing Fused with Robotics and Sensor Technology
Red Bull: The smart clothing that can give you a power boost
Techcrunch: Seismic debuts robotic assistive powered clothing undergarments
walkman robot
IEEE Spectrum: WALK-MAN Team Built Brand New, Highly Custom Robot for DRC Finals
Durus image courtesy of SRI International