Morfey Ltd. is a design consultancy specializing in cool robots.
Director Stephen Morfey is a mechanical/mechatronics engineer with over a decade’s experience designing humanoids, dynamic legged robots, multi-dof manipulators and other interesting stuff for both research and product-focused applications.
Core strengths include:
Mechanism design
Robot actuator design
Transmission design
Sensor selection and design
End effector design
Dynamic legged robots
Medical robots
Humanoid hands
"Steve did an excellent job for us. He is a very talented mechanical designer, and was thorough in creating parts that went together properly into a sophisticated robotic system that worked."
- Jonathan Hurst, CTO of Agility Robotics; Director of Dynamic Legged Robotics Lab and Associate Professor, Oregon State University
"Steve is a brilliant engineer, and can produce high quality thorough designs from start to finish. Besides being one of the world's top experts on humanoid robot design, he is also fun and pleasant to work with."
- Jerry Pratt, Senior Research Scientist, IHMC